Source Plugins -------------- The ``source`` and ``dest`` use a second plugin system used to load and save configuration data. The provided plugins are: **id** The specifier is a string value that points to a specific config item id within the active config storage. **file** The specifier is a ``*.yml`` file along with optional path. If no path is given, the config/templates directory of the current module is used. Normally the source plugin type is determined from the string specifier itself. For example, if the string ends in ``.yml`` then the ``file`` plugin is used. To override the source plugin type, use the ``*_type`` option (``source_type`` or ``dest_type``) with the name of the plugin. The source can also be a raw array of configuration data. This data is passed to the plugin system in case a complex plugin needs to parse the additional data. But since the ``id`` and ``file`` plugins both expect a string value, any array value is currently passed through as raw data.