
Actions are executed by plugins. Each plugin performs a specific transformation of the config data.

Some plugins implement the ValidatePaths trait which adds additional options for specifying a path into the config data and validating that path.

The plugins currently available are:

Uses ValidatePaths. This is the default plugin. String replacement is performed in the source data. Any given value will be saved to the specified path in the config data.
Uses ValidatePaths. Adds a new value at the specified path in the config data. Typically used to add additional array items.
Uses ValidatePaths. Clears the data at the specified path in the config data, or completely deletes a specific configuration item if no path is given.
Loads and runs a specific action from a different module and file. Allows the replace values to override those specified in the other module. Used to create reusable actions templates in your module that can be used by other modules.