Getting Started

Config Actions provides a pluggable framework for easily manipulating configuration data via simple YAML files with the goal of creating truly reusable software components in Drupal.

Example use cases include:

  • Templates
    the ability to provide a configuration template file containing variables that can be reused and replaced to create new configuration. For example, a template for adding a certain field to a content type where the content type isn’t yet known.
  • Override
    the ability to easily “override” configuration provided by core or other modules. These is not a “live” overrides system but simply a method to import changes into the config system.

NOTE: This is a Developers module and requires creating custom modules containing YAML files that contain the config actions to be performed.


An Action consists of three simple steps:

  1. LOAD config from a source
  2. TRANSFORM the config data
  3. SAVE config to a destination

Action Files

Actions are listed within *.yml files stored in the config/actions folder of your custom module. When your module is enabled, the actions in this file will be executed. The *.yml files can have any unique name, but if you don’t specify a source id for your action, the name of this YAML file will be used by default.

An action is a list of “option” keys and values. Various global options are available, and additional options can be added by specific plugins.

Nested Actions

Actions can be nested within each other. Using the actions option you can list additional sub-actions to be executed. All options from the main parent action are inherited in each sub-action but can be overridden by the sub-action.

For example, the top-level action can specify the source and dest options then each sub-action could specify different plugins, or different replace option values, or even override with different source or dest values. This allows related actions to be grouped and reduces the amount of repeated text between similar actions.

When nesting or naming actions, each new action within the actions list requires a unique id key.

For example:

    option1: value1
    option2: value2
    option1: value1
    option2: value2