Template Example

The following action data (placed in my_module/config/actions/whatever.yml) will load templates within the config/templates folder (see the tests/modules/test_config_actions test module for these template files):

# this contains any global variables that are available to any template
  "@field_name@": "myproject_image"

# Here are some sample actions

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# Example of "template" plugin
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# Replace any tokens in a template to create a new config item
    # name of yml file in config/templates folder
    source: "field.storage.node.image.yml"
    dest: "field.storage.node.@field_name@"

    source: "field.field.node.image.yml"
    dest: "field.field.node.@bundle@.@field_name@"
          "@bundle@": article
          "@bundle@": page

When your my_module is enabled, the actions stored in whatever.yml will be executed.

The top-level action has a replace option for the global @field_name@ variable. The @ characters are used in the template to specify a replaceable variable, but any delimiter could be used as needed. Avoid using [] or {} to specify variables since those could be interpreted as YAML arrays.

Next, the top-level action uses the actions option to specify a list of sub-actions. These sub-actions will inherit the global @field_name@ replacement.

The field_storage sub-action (where field_storage is just a unique value within this array used to give a name to the sub-action) loads a source template *.yml file and outputs the config to a config id that will create a new field_storage entity in Drupal. @field_name@ will be replaced with myproject_image.

The field_instance sub-action sets a source *.yml file and a destination and then has it’s own sub-action list for each bundle that needs to have a field instance created. Each sub-action (article and page) has it’s own value of the @bundle@ variable that is used in the template replacement.

If this action file is executed, a field called myproject_image will be created and added to the page and article content types.

But you can also call this action from your own module and override the @field_name@ variable to create other fields. You could create different template actions for different types of fields.

For example, you could create a “Location Feature” that has a template for how to add geofield data to a content type. Rather than saving the specific configuration for the content type, field storage, and field instances in a feature that would still contain your hardcoded field names and content type names, you can use Config Actions to create template “features” that can be reused across your projects with different field names and content types.